Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Valentines Fudge!

On Valentines day me and Aubrey made some Fudge! It was a lot of fun! She got a little messy but was still a big help...she helped taste the marshmallow cream and she helped with stirring and putting the ingredients into the bowl and then she helped clean the spatula...Chris was our taste tester!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Diaper Cake

We had a suprize baby shower @ BUNCO last night for my friend Tiffany who is having a little girl! I made a diaper cake and I really want to show it off! Enjoy!

Little Mommys!

The girls and I went for a walk today and they brought their babies, it was so cute to watch them push thier little strolers around! Savannah's baby had a hard time bc she kept falling out of her stroller and savannah would just run her over...but everyone made it back in one piece!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Might be awhile...

It might be a while until my next post, my car got broken into and my camera was stolen...and my purse and a few other things, So I am just letting you all know! I dropped very large hints about a new camera for hints I mean we went to the store and I made chris use his camera phone to take a picture of the camera I wanted...I am so subtle! Other than that chris is still waiting until testing opens up for the Substation opperator job...Fingers crossed everyone!